What a Year it’s Been!

We were blessed in 2016 to travel around the United States and visit 18 National Park Service sites, most being National Parks. We began 2016 at Yellowstone National Park, our very favorite place to be, and ended in the same place, with a few more visits during the warmer months. In addition to America’s first National Park, we hit the following sites last year:
- Arches National Park
- Canyonlands NP
- Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve
- Carlsbad Caverns NP
- Guadalupe NP
- White Sands National Monument
- Petrified Forest NP
- Grand Canyon NP
- Mesa Verde NP
- Badlands NP
- Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
- Pipestone NM
- Agate Fossil Beds NM
- Wind Cave NP
- Jewel Cave NM
- Theodore Roosevelt NP
- Scotts Bluff National Monument
What Makes a National Park Magic Moment?
Wow! We are so fortunate to have a great location in this country for reasonable travel distances. Yet, somehow we still have more places to see that aren’t far away! For example, Grand Tetons, Devil’s Tower, and Rocky Mountain NP are all within a day’s drive for us. Perhaps those will make the list for 2017! How are you going to spend the first year of the NEXT 100 years of the National Park Service??
Upon reflection, here are a few of our Magic Moments, or times that meant the most to us, during our trips in 2016.

Heading out of the park on our last visit in 2016, spotting this fox lounging in the sun!
Grand Canyon:

Carlsbad Caverns:

Great Sand Dunes:

Arches & Canyonlands:

Theodore Roosevelt NP

White Sands National Monument:

Guadalupe Mountains:

Agate Fossil Beds and Scotts Bluff

Mesa Verde:
Petrified Forest:

Badlands NP

Sleeping Bear Dunes and Pipestone

Wind Cave and Jewel Cave (our neighbors!):

Thank you to everyone who liked our photos on Instagram and Facebook, have watched and subscribed to our videos on YouTube, and Retweets our content on Twitter! You are appreciated – and we look forward to sharing another awesome year with you!